(Slots Gone) Join my Travel Hacking Group for Secrets!

All slots gone. Sorry if you’re too slow!

Just around a month ago, I decided to create a BBM group for people who’d like a setting to discuss tips and tricks best kept secret and for those who wanted to bounce miles/points ideas off each other.

To y’all who are already subscribed to my private travel hacking group, It’s been super awesome meeting all of you. Now I don’t really like calling this a travel hacking group. But I guess this is some pretty deep stuff and I’ve been exposed to, and apparently this also makes me rank well in search keywords, so why not? 😉

Today I’m happy to say that there are additional slots available for my BBM group, due to the inactivity to some members. Currently as well as me I’ve got some superstar miles/points people including Bengali Miles Guru (@tahsirahsan) who writes at Milevalue, and Amol (@pointstopoinb) who writes at Hack My Trip!

This time I’m only taking people for my travel hacking group who are Canadian or American and/or have access to Canadian/American credit card/manufactured spend. Australians with good manufactured spend tips are also welcome.

I’ve learnt so incredibly much from everyone in the travel hacking group. Some of the things I’ve learned include:

  • BRG Strategy
  • Lifemiles Tricks (well I’ve certainly given than I’ve took :))
  • Miles/Points Strategy
  • (US) Manufactured Spend
  • IHG/Car Rental/Hotel Corp Codes
  • Fuel Dump Tips and a working list of ___x (LOL)

I’m such a tease, I know. Also Tahsir’s car rental tips blow me away! 😀

So of course everyone else would charge a bunch of money to join this group. But I am a nice person, so I will charge a grand total of ….


I am such a nice person 🙂

Some things that I’ve learned and that you should consider:

  • This is not a group for beginners. Most of the stuff we talk about already require the reader to be fairly proficient with the ins and outs of most award programs and miles, so while I’d like to teach everyone everything it isn’t easy when I have to text everything I say.
  • I expect everyone to contribute to the discussion. It doesn’t mean you need to disclose everything and know everything but I don’t want inactivity.
  • You’re going to be talking about miles and points all day long. ALL DAY LONG. At first I had close to 250 messages per hour on my phone. It was CRAZY. Now it’s still many messages a day, but at a pace you can keep up with. Just be on your phone every few hours or so.
  • We talk a lot about miles and points and travel and first class and travel products. I hope you like discussing these things because if you don’t this discussion will be quite boring.
  • I can assure you this is the best secrets session that you will attend that’s online and comes quite close to a in-person mini-DO, but the difference is that you’re free to read the chat as many times as you want.
  • MY secrets (and any that I post publicly/password protected) will be distributed to the group first, even ahead of my special mailing list.

Best of all, this is FREE for everyone (subject to space in my group). I learn a lot and I think it’s mutually beneficial for everyone and I hope you will too.

Just a reminder that EVERYTHING discussed in the group will stay PRIVATE. So if you do intend to join I ask you to keep this agreement for the benefit of all of us. It’s the hono(u)r system, so it shows how much I trust you! Let me just say the collective power of tens of people discussing a miles/points topic can be quite impressive.

I do apologize if I haven’t responded to your invite, as often times I get tens of invites at a time and then my phone glitches up and is unable to accept a lot of invites.

Let’s connect: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


  1. I never use BBM before and just download it and send to your pin an invitation. I do not know whether it is correct. Please check.

  2. Is there ANY way I can join you guys? I am a very frequent traveller. A community lives from its members and each member gives his or her contribution to the group. I think that I have some very interesting things which I would like to contribute, in case that I finally one day find a Group of frequent Flyers who are willing to collect and share information. By the way, thats a big problem nowadays, that certain offers are discussed in closed or private Chatrooms only.Is there any way for those People among us who do not have a smartfone available all time and just have a tablet, notebook or netbook e.g. with Windows operation System?

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