Credit Karma is the best place to get your credit score in the US. Now, they’ve come to Canada!

Credit Karma – Free Credit Score in Canada!
The signup process is pretty straightforward. You’re not required to put in your SIN. In order to verify your profile, they’ll ask you security questions from your credit file.
I’ve had a chance to take a look at my own profile, and I’m very impressed what the company has been able to do. Not only do they have your credit score, but they also have a list of all your accounts, and update your score every week!

Credit Karma – List of Accounts
As well, your report displays details on each account, such as when it was opened, if payments were made on time, and more.

Credit Karma – Account Detail
On top of that, they’ve got a list of all your recent inquiries – a tremendous help in seeing which creditors pulled your TransUnion instead of your Equifax file.
Why Should You Get Credit Karma?
The product is free right now, and to my knowledge, Credit Karma is the only company that allows you to see your TransUnion score and report for free. All the others, such as Mogo or Borrowell, pull Equifax.
This means that you are able to get your score absolutely free for both issuers in Canada. Now that’s something that wouldn’t have happened 6 months ago! Credit Karma is still in beta, so there are some items that are off, especially mortgages, HELOC’s and other non-card accounts. They also seem to have problems with older accounts.
However, if you are concerned about your financial health, this is simply a no-brainer.
Check out your score today at Credit Karma!
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THANKS!!!! I love that this has come to Canada. MUCH easier to read than the crappy Equifax report that is such a hassle to get for free and then cancel. Took less than 5 mins to get this. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
i am from quebec and its not working…
Unfortunately, they’re not serving Quebec, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut or the Yukon just yet.
why are you hiding one of the accounts, is it a secret credit card trick ?
You could say that 😉
They will add it but your score will drop
I am speaking from experience
Very useful stuff, and it was so easy to set up.
I forgot my password and entered my email address as directed to reset my password but it keeps saying….something went wrong…thus I can’t get into credit karma…….can you help me please……..
Tried to reset my password but it keeps saying…something went wrong…please reply as this is my 2nd request for help….
I went to entered all of info, answered my personal questions and then was told they could not verify me. I need to wait 30 days to try again. I’m thinking I may have gotten scammed…. thoughts?
They’re a venture backed company with 385M+ VC in funding, so I doubt it. Try reaching out to them.
Exactly what has happened to me ! I absolutely am smelling “scam” here !
Site keeps looping on step three of login…tried three different computers and they keep reloading between the sign up page and step 3 confirm identity….anyone else having this problem?
Keep getting error message: ” something went wrong with our beta site” when site goes to account verification and keeps reloading
Have been trying to log in for almost two months now. “Something went wrong with our beta site ” message at step 3 verification page
Just stop trying you don’t need the head ache
The site is crap anyways
Are we being scammed here? Went through all the questions and at the end it said sorry Not verifiable…Not a great start to my Credit score……Now I have been instucted to wait 30 days before I try again Could you at least submit
any contact number that would be appreciated
I like that yes you are being scammed by credit karma and TransUnion credit
This site say credit karma canada but that is a lie because they aren’t all over Canada. Hust because i have a home address in Quebec they can’t do my credit check..
Change you tittle it is misleading and misrepresents the fact that you claim to be available in Canada which is more than one entity. We are built of provinces and if your going to advertise free to all Canadians i find that really misleading.. what other lies do you have lurking behind a free i formation hub that gets millions of peoples private information.. that is the question.. What does free get these days?????????
Well if you look at it that way, why does Quebec not have much to do with the English speaking people of Canada, and even go so far as to be rude to English speaking people? (don’t deny it) Why are most offers available to Quebec not offered to the rest of Canada? You’ll find that there are thousands of different products etc not available to Quebec or Vise-Versa. I for one am sick and tired of the “up yours, what about me” attitude of most people in Quebec including the politicians, and the “we are for us only, but you better be for us as well” attitudes.
That’s a pretty silly comment for someone to make Jerry. Have you been rejected by a Quebec woman or something?
Now let’s get on with the facts and logic. Hopefully you can follow, it’s not too hard for someone racist like you to get it.
Yukon, NWT and Nunavut are English speaking, right? So let’s strike the French vs English argument right off the bat.
This is most likely related to government regulations on credit reporting and data privacy.
Got it Jerry?
I am in Ontario. I got the same message as a few others, that credit karma cannot verify my identity event though I entered my SIN #. Says to try back in 30 days. Also during the sign-up process they appeared to know the last 4 digits of one of my credit cards. This is worrisome. Can anyone explain what this means? A scam?
Your being scammed
Hi All,
Does Credit Karma regularly provide the credit scores and reports for Equifax as well or just the TransUnion?
Does Credit Karma monitor 24/7 both the credit bureaus Equifax and TransUnion as well?
Since I haven’t got this answer from them for so long. In fact, it sounds almost impossible to reach them for such questions like a normal customer service?
Thanks, Sukkhi
Sukkhi, the Credit Karma Canada website says:
” Where does Credit Karma get its information from?
The scores and credit report information you see on Credit Karma come from TransUnion— one of the two national credit bureaus.
Credit Karma does not calculate your credit score. Rather, we show you information that’s directly provided by TransUnion so that you can better understand your credit.”
Hope this helps.
That is what they tell you but once you get on the rules change in there favor not yours
Not only that shut down there website
I joined. Logged in several times. Kept getting same message about communication problem with TransUnion. Never got a credit score. I cancelled membership a week later.
And I bet it is still not closed
And TransUnion credit is under investigation
And rumor has it there computers are down
But that is what they are tell people to cover there asses and the investigation is not leaked to the public
Seems pretty decent so far… although there seems to be a problem with my older accounts. Old credit cards, and loans… some as many as 25 years old still show as open, and “worst payment status”. There are even some credit cards on my report, that I have no knowledge of at all?
You are right Bell Tech. It should be right on the home page so people don’t waste their time. I am sure that the reason it is not yet available in PQ is because of both language and civil law requirements. I guess they wanted to see how it works for them in Canada before also being in Quebec. I am not either agreeing or disagreeing, just sayin’.
You don’t want it in Quebec
It is nothing but trouble
You will find crap on Your credit report that it not yours
And your credit rating drops when you log on to it
They should really change their annoying tv commercials
Not only that shut down there website
Funny it says it doesn’t ask for your SIN but the very first page, it does!
Credit karma is not reputable at least not the Canadian website
Because ones you question there accountability your band from there site
Don’t us it trust me they will add crap to you credit so your score drops
And Everytime you go on you credit score will drop mine did
And if you want to report changes you will get a run around like you would not believe
Not only are you banned from there site but when you request that you want your account closed because of the falsely reported files on you account
It takes the 6 months to even close your account
And getting the falsely reported file off your credit report
Your made to be a criminal
And they refuse to remove it
Oh they will tell you it is removed but it is not
To stop any further communication with you especially when they know your right
And here in Canada it is through TransUnion credit
There is another problem they do treat you like a criminal when you get through to them
So if you want that headache sign up but you will be up for a fight when you do to as I said question there accountability and wait six months for them to actually do anything oh may I add once they tell you it was fixed you can’t get on your account after that as well
This was my experiences with credit garbage dot ca
So is it really fix
Think about it
And don’t use credit karma canada
Credit Karma works fine. It is accurate in their monthly reports which they gather from Trans union and Equifax too. If an account shows that it is still open, you need to contact the source, NOT Credit Karma. If you see “mistakes” get ahold of the credit card company or store or bank or whomever issued your credit. If you notice it still says “beta” version. Look up what that means. Geez. It may not be available in your area or you could be trying to log into the American site .com. Use .ca.
I can not log in to credit karma the last couple of months but I was able to before and it is a good site as it tells you your collections you owe and other things