So to start things off, here’s are my lofty objectives. π Still a work in progress right now, but here are the top things I want to do that are travel-related:
Take a shower in the sky (on Emirates A380 First Class)
This picture always cracks me up (from One Mile at a Time)

Sleep on a double bed on Singapore Suites:
Ok, maybe the picture is a publicity one, but then 8 bottles of Dom Perignon will make it feel like that, right? (Don’t ask me :P)
The private A380 that got bought resold to some Middle Eastern Oil Prince mystery buyer. One can dream, right?
And that’s all the ten minutes of daydreaming about airline products I’ve got. I’ll have some more travel fantasies after I finish my exams π
(It also seems like boardingarea really needs to get off Web 1.0 I don’t know how to use captions yet. Apologies!)
Good luck on those! How do you plan on checking them off of your bucket list?
AMEX to SQ KF, and SPG to JAL MB, but the third one will be a little bit harder.
Of the three you listed, I’ve only done Emirates First and the shower is something you’ll definitely remember for a very long time! π I’m looking forward to reading your blog post on your Emirates First experience someday.