Just Another Points Traveller talks about how to get free data in the US through a wifi hotspot.
I just got one since I’m on T-mobile pay as you go, and to be honest, the 4G coverage sucks. I think you will need to have a US address but I used my Canadian credit card and the purchase seemed to go through fine. If you want to sign up, go through Angelina’s signup link as I think it’s awesome that she made a post about it or else I would never have known! I think you get 50mb more if you go through her link.
Hack My Trip talks about how to avoid jet lag. From this WSJ article.
Please check out my giveaway here and another lounge pass that another reader has kindly offered to give away!
Two business class swaps from Vancouver that I thought would be interesting to mention as well.
Air Canada is operating the new 77W with high density seating (3-4-3 in Y!) as well as new staggered business class seats and premium economy.

AC New J
According to airline route the new configuration starts Oct 31 on select days and goes daily on Jan 1 2014.
Japan Airlines also announces the start of retrofit for their 767’s with the first routes to be retrofitted to be NRT-YVR! Very excited to fly that next year with Avios/AA. Instead of the SS7 config for their 77W’s in 2-3-2 (which looks pretty cool and I want to try that to), they’re using a very business class like staggered 1-2-1 layout (which is slightly different from the AC which alternates between 1-2-1 and 2-2-2)

You can see the press release here. HT: Pak’s JAL Blog
Finally, the Aeroplan eStore is offering 5x miles on all purchases which is nice.
5x miles on everything!
This is until June 2nd. I wonder if you can double dip with this… I haven’t tried but it looks interesting.
Any suggestions on keeping access to the Internet going abroad? =\
I am actually working on a post about that!
well, I leave in 5 days so please hurry =]
Well the cheapest way is unlocking your smartphone and getting a prepaid SIM abroad. 🙂
thanks a lot for the AC new business info. I want to avoid the herring bone seats.
You’re welcome! The herringbone seats are really inconvenient for people travelling together.
SD has this posted and is only $20 for the photon. With a 2gb free first month. 500mb free 4g after that. Free 4g is limited to wimax area coverage area which is quite sporadic. Otherwise you need a 3g/4g sprint/wimax plan that is $4 per month 500mb. Then you pay per 100mb above that or have auto top off shut off at limit. Still great plan but most people will have to get 3/4(not me) in order to avoid the even more sporadic coverage of wi-max over sprint. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/96036/freedompop-freedompop-freedom-spot-overdrive-3g4g-hotspot-device-1-month-wireless-internet-2gb
Thanks for the link!